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Hand Surgery

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At Aayush Hospitals, we understand the impact of appearance on confidence and overall mental well-being. Hence, our team consists of renowned plastic surgeons that are dedicated to assist patients in achieving their aesthetic goals through a wide range of surgical procedures. 

Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, modern operation theatres, and advanced surgical equipment that makes us stand out from the rest. With the help of these latest technologies, our highly experienced plastic surgeons provide effective outcomes. 

Till date, our cosmetic surgeons have helped several patients to improve their quality of life through various cosmetic procedures. 



Carpal tunnel release refers to a surgical procedure that treats and heals a painful condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease that causes space in your wrist bone. This leads to symptoms including pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in your hands and wrist. 

Why Do You Need Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery? 

You may need a carpal tunnel release surgery if: 

  • The muscles in your hands or wrists are weak and getting small. 

  • You have strong and pinching pain in the median nerve. 

  • The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome have lasted for a long time with no relief. 

What Are the Risks Associated with Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery? 

Just like other surgical methods, carpal tunnel surgery also poses certain risks, including: 

  • Infection. 

  • Bleeding. 

  • Injury to the median nerve or surrounding blood vessels. 

  • A sensitive scar. 

  • Need for additional surgery. 

What Happens During a Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery? 

A carpal tunnel release surgery is usually an outpatient procedure which means that you can go home on the same day. During the procedure, the surgeon will: 

  • Give you an anaesthesia. 

  • Make an incision on the wrist. 

  • Insert a probe attached to a camera and tiny surgical instruments. 

  • Cut the carpal ligament through another incision. 

  • Close the incision. 

What Happens After a Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery? 

After the procedure, you will likely be bandaged for about a week or two. Complete recovery will take more than a month.  


A trigger finger refers to a situation which makes your fingers or thumb difficult to move. The fingers may be frozen in a flexed position affecting the tendons. A surgery is required to increase the space for your tendon to move. 

Why Do You Need a Trigger Finger Release Surgery? 

You may need a trigger finger release surgery if you have: 

  • A restricted finger or hand movement that is bothersome. 

  • Painful thumbs, forearms, fingers, or hands. 

  • Been feeling embarrassed about a trigger finger. 

  • Been noticing symptoms over time. 

What Happens During a Trigger Finger Release Surgery? 

Your surgeon may perform a trigger finger surgery in two ways: 

  • Open Surgery: 

During this procedure, your surgeon will give you an anaesthetic and make an incision in your palm. The surgeon will cut the tendon sheath and move your finger to check if the motion is smooth and finally close the incision. 

  • Percutaneous Release: 

This procedure is preferred for the middle and ring finger. During this, your surgeon will numb your palm and insert a needle into the skin around the affected tendon. The surgeon will move this needle to break the blocked area. No incision or cut is required in this method. 

What Happens After a Trigger Finger Release Surgery? 

After the procedure, you may go back home on the same day. You may need to take some time off from work to let your hand heal. Complete recovery will take up to two weeks. 


Dupuytren’s contracture is a genetic disorder that makes the tissues under the skin of your palms and fingers harden and thicken. In addition, small bumps may also form under your skin. Eventually, these bumps may also grow and cause so much pain that you can’t straighten your hand. 

What Are the Symptoms of Dupuytren’s Contracture? 

The common symptoms include: 

  • Small nodules under the skin of your palm. 

  • Cords pulling your finger. 

  • Tenderness. 

  • Inflammation or swelling. 

  • Pain or burning. 

How is Dupuytren’s Contracture Treated? 

Depending on your condition, your doctor may recommend the following treatment: 

  • Conservative treatment: 

This includes non-surgical treatment approaches including physical therapy, bracing or splinting to stretch your fingers, sound waves to increase flexibility, and injections to shrink nodules or cords. 

  • Radiation therapy: 

The surgeon may also recommend radiation therapy that will involve using X-ray or other beams to soften nodules or cords.  

  • Needle aponeurotomy: 

If your symptoms do not improve after conservative treatment, you may require a needle aponeurotomy. During this procedure, your surgeon will give you an anaesthetic, poke holes in your hand and release tension to straighten your fingers. 

  • Collagenase injections: 

Additionally, your surgeon may inject collagenase into nodules to treat the contracture. The enzyme can help loosen and break down the growths on your palms.  

  • Surgery: 

If any of the above procedures are ineffective, your surgeon may perform a surgery or fasciectomy. During this procedure, your surgeon will give you an anaesthetic and remove the contracture. 

What Are the Risks Associated with Dupuytren’s Contracture Surgery? 

Although rare, some risks that surgery may cause include: 

  • Nerve damage. 

  • Infection. 

  • Scarring. 

  • Wound healing problems. 


Hand fracture or broken hand may occur due to a fracture in any of the 27 bones in your hands. Depending on the location the fracture may affect your hand function.  

What Are the Types of Hand Fractures? 

Depending on the type of bone fractured in your hand, hand fracture can be categorized as: 

  • Transverse fracture. 

  • Oblique fracture. 

  • Segmental fracture. 

  • Spiral fracture. 

  • Buckle fracture. 

  • Comminuted fracture. 

You might only need to wear a splint or cast in some cases while others may require surgery. 

How Are Hand Fractures Repaired? 

Depending on the type and location of the bone fractured, the common treatments include: 

  • Immobilization 

If you have a mild fracture and your bones do not move far out of place, you may be cured with a splint or cast. Most people require immobilization for up to 6 weeks and frequent check-ups to ensure that the bones are healing correctly. 

  • Closed reduction 

More severe hand fractures may require a closed reduction or re-align treatment for bones. During this procedure, your orthopaedic will push the outside of your hand to line up the broken bones. Following this, your hand will be immobilized with a splint or cast. 

  • Hand Fracture Surgery 

Your orthopaedic may recommend surgery if you have an open fracture or a comminuted fracture. In addition, surgery may also be needed if you have other injuries in your hand. 

During the surgery, your surgeon will set your bones to their correct position and secure them in place to allow natural healing. In some cases, external fixation including metal pins or wires may also be used to hold your bones. In more severe cases, internal fixation may be required during which screws and pins will be inserted from inside. 

After a few months, you may require follow-up surgery to remove plates, screws, and pins. 

What Are the Risks Associated with Hand Fracture Surgery? 

Risks with broken hand surgery are rare. It may, however, cause: 

  • Bone infection. 

  • Hand stiffness. 

  • The inability of bones to line up correctly during healing. 

  • The inability of bones to grow back fully. 

  • Acute compartment syndrome or permanent muscle or nerve damage. 


Tendons refer to tissues that connect muscles to bones. Your hand consists of two types of tendons: 

  • Extensor tendons; running from forearms across the back of your hand to fingers and thumbs. 

  • Flexor tendons; running from forearms through your wrist and across the palm of your hand. 

You may require a tendon repair if any of the two tendons are damaged or broken. 

What Happens During Tendon Repair Surgery? 

  • Extensor Tendon Repair: 

During this procedure, your surgeon will give you an anaesthetic. If your tendon is damaged due to a wound, your wound will be thoroughly cleaned. An incision will be created in your hand to make the wound larger and stitch the two broken ends of the tendons, and the wound will be closed with stitches and a splint. 

  • Flexor Tendon Repair: 

During this procedure, you will receive anaesthesia and the surgeon will also wrap a tourniquet around your upper arm to stop the blood circulation. Following this, the surgeon will make the wound larger with an incision, stitch the broken ends of the tendons, and close the wound with stitches and a rigid plaster splint. 

What Happens After the Tendon Repair Surgery? 

Regardless of the surgery type, you will require rehabilitation for complete recovery. Depending on the location of your injury, it may take up to 3 months for the repaired tendon to regain its strength. 


A nerve decompression involves easing the stress on your ulnar nerve. An ulnar nerve travels from your shoulder to the little finger. 

What Happens During Nerve Decompression? 

During this procedure, your surgeon will: 

  • Give you an anaesthesia. 

  • Make a 3-4 inch incision on your elbow to reveal the ulnar nerve. 

  • Examine the nerve and remove any tissue causing compression. 

What Happens After Nerve Decompression? 

Nerve decompression is an outpatient procedure and you may go home on the same day. 



Syndactyly is a birth defect during which your child is born with webbed fingers or toes. 

How is Syndactyly Treated? 

Syndactyly can be treated with surgery. The surgery is usually conducted when your child is one year old. During this procedure, the surgeon will separate your child’s fingers or toes. Additionally, a skin graft may be applied to cover the separated fingers. 

Your child may also need a splint or cast on their surgically repaired hand to support their separated fingers.  

What Are the Risks Associated with Syndactyly Repair? 

The procedure is generally safe, it can, however, cause: 

  • Bleeding. 

  • Swelling. 

  • Discolouration. 

  • Discharge or leaking fluid. 


Polydactyly refers to a medical condition during which your baby has extra fingers or toes.  

What Are the Types of Polydactylies? 

Polydactyly may be of the following types: 

  • Preaxial Polydactyly: Extra thumb or big toe. 

  • Central Polydactyly: Extra finger or toe near the index, middle, or ring finger. 

  • Postaxial Polydactyly: Extra pinkie finger or toe. 

How is Polydactyly Treated? 

Polydactyly may be treated by removing an extra finger from your child’s hand or foot. During this procedure, your surgeon will tie a right string or band around the base of the extra finger to cut off its blood supply. After a few weeks, the finger falls off on its own. 

This may sound dangerous; however, it will not hurt your baby or restrict blood flow to other fingers or the rest of the body. 

What Are the Risks Associated with Polydactyly Repair? 

The procedure is generally safe, it can, however, cause: 

  • Bleeding. 

  • Swelling. 

  • Discolouration. 

  • Discharge or leaking fluid.