We respect your rights and expect your active role in your care. Together, we ensure the highest quality of service and outcomes.
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Patient Rights:
To receive care in a safe and clean environment regardless of age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, disability or manner of payment.
To receive considerate and respectful care, that supports personal dignity and is free from all forms of abuse, neglect or harassment.
To be respected for special preferences, personal values and beliefs, spiritual and cultural needs.
To seek an additional opinion within or outside hospital regarding clinical care without any fear of compromise to his/ her care.
To expect full protection of privacy and personal dignity during examination, procedures and treatment.
To decide what information regarding their care shall be provided to family / others, and under what circumstances.
To receive appropriate assessment and effective management of pain pertinent to the medical condition.
To receive respectful and compassionate care at the end of life.
To expect confidentiality of the health information is maintained except for those required by laws and regulations.
To be informed by your doctor of the risks, benefits and alternatives, expected outcomes of proposed care and treatment.
To knowledgeably refuse any care, diagnostic procedure and treatment after the consequences of refusal have been explained.
To give informed consent before transfusion of blood & blood components, anaesthesia, surgery, initiation of any research protocol & any other invasive/high risk procedures/ treatment.
To be informed of the process on how to voice a complaint to express concerns, violation of your rights and/or a grievance.
To access your clinical records and health information.
To be informed and educated on care plans, progress and healthcare needs and participate in care and treatment decisions.
To know the identity and professional status of individuals providing service to you.
To be fully informed of the expected cost of the treatment.
To know the Hospital's rules and regulations.
Patient Responsibilities:
To provide correct and complete demographic information including full name, age, address, telephone number and e-mail ID, particulars of next-of-kin and insurance company/TPA/employer.
To provide complete and accurate information about your health, including your past medical history, details of medications, past investigations and other medical conditions.
To actively participate in your treatment plan and follow the same, and to keep your doctors and nurses informed of the effectiveness of your treatment.
To keep any scheduled appointments and inform the hospital if any appointment needs to be rescheduled or cancelled.
To respect the rights of other patients, visitors and hospital staff and treat them with courtesy and dignity.
To abide by the hospital rules and safety regulations; be considerate of noise levels, comply with - the visitors policy; no weapons in hospital premises policy.
To avoid bringing valuables to the hospital and assume equal responsibility of safety of personal belongings.
To adhere to No- smoking/ chewing tobacco/consuming alcohol in the hospital premises.
To provide complete and accurate information to insurance companies to process insurance claims.
To ensure that the financial obligations of one's health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
To respect that patients requiring emergency care can take priority.
To be respectful of the property of other persons and of the hospital.
To accept the measures taken by the hospital to ensure personal privacy and confidentiality of medical records.
To communicate with the healthcare staff if the condition worsens or does not follow the expected course of treatment.
To understand all instructions before signing the consent forms.
To understand the charter of 'Patient Rights' and seek clarifications, if any.