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Adolescent Gynaecology

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Stepping into the adolescence or teenage brings a lot of physical and hormonal changes. Dealing with changes can sometimes be difficult and also lead to several health issues.  

At Aayush Hospital, we provide a comprehensive range of adolescence gynaecology. Right from helping your teenagers understand the changes in their bodies to treatments of conditions, you can rest assured to receive the best diagnosis and treatment at each step of your journey. 

Our team of highly renowned gynaecologists, obstetricians, and nurses provide 360-degree solution to your pregnancy needs.  

In addition, we are backed by state-of-the-art infrastructure, modern laboratories, and latest equipment that help our team of doctors to provide exceptional medical outcomes. 



Mostly a menstrual cycle or period lasts up to 7 days. A regular cycle is 28 days. If your cycle is fewer than 21 days or more than 35 days, it is called an irregular cycle. 

How is an Irregular Menstrual Cycle Determined? 

Your period may vary every month and it may be considered normal. It may be called irregular if: 

  • Your periods occur fewer than 21 days or more than 35 days apart. 

  • You missed 3-4 periods in a row. 

  • Your menstrual flow is much heavier or lighter than usual. 

  • Your periods last longer than 7 days. 

  • The length of time between cycles varies by more than 9 days. 

  • Your periods also cause cramping, nausea, and vomiting. 

  • You have bleeding or spotting between periods or after sexual intercourse. 

  • You soak through more than one tampon or sanitary pad. 

What Causes Irregular Periods? 

Irregular periods may be due to: 

  • Endometriosis. 

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease. 

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. 

  • Thyroid or pituitary gland disorders. 

  • Bleeding disorders. 

  • Ovarian cancer or uterine cancer. 

  • Stress. 

  • Gaining or losing weight abruptly. 

  • Viruses. 

How Are Irregular Periods Treated? 

The treatment for irregular periods depends on the reason causing it. The common treatment will include: 

  • Medication: 

This may include certain hormonal medications to manage your cycle. 

  • Surgery: 

If your periods are caused by certain medical conditions, surgery may be required.


Contraception counselling includes decision-making on whether to have children, how many, and contraception decisions to prevent pregnancy. 

What is Contraception Counselling? 

Contraception counselling includes a thorough assessment of family history, medical conditions, and risk factors related to pregnancy. The gynaecologist provides valuable insights based on these results to make an informed decision. 

What Are Contraception Methods? 

During this counselling session, the gynaecologist provides information on the various contraceptive options available and discusses each option in detail. Based on your condition and preference, you can select the method best suited for you. 

This includes: 

  • Barrier Methods include condoms, spermicide, diaphragm, cervical cap, female condom, and sponge. 

  • Hormonal Devices include birth control implants, intrauterine devices, birth control pills, Progestin-only pills, and birth control shots. 

  • Fertility Awareness Methods include rhythm method, cervical mucus method, basal body temperature, abstinence, and emergency contraception.


HPV vaccination includes a series of vaccine shots that protect you from Human papillomavirus or HPV infection. HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection that spreads through skin-to-skin contact.  

Who Should Get an HPV Vaccine? 

Everyone regardless of gender should get vaccinated against HPV. The age recommendations include: 

  • Children between the ages of 11 and 12; ensure that the children have the vaccine shot before becoming sexually active. 

  • Adults up and including age 26. 

  • Some adults up to and including age 45. 

What Are the Side Effects of Getting HPV Vaccine? 

  • HPV vaccine is safe. Any vaccination, however, shows mild symptoms after getting the shot, this includes: 
  • Soreness or swelling at the injection site. 

  • Muscle or joint pain. 

  • Fever and headache. 

  • Feeling tired. 

  • Severe allergic reaction. 

Adolescent Health Screenings 

During an adolescent health screening, your doctor will: 

  • Check your child’s height, weight, body mass index, vision, blood pressure, and hearing. 

  • Check your child’s heart and lungs. 

  • Inspect the glands. 

  • Check the breasts for indications of cancer. 

  • Test joints and muscles for flexibility and strength. 

  • Check the spine for any irregularities or scoliosis. 

  • Review and update immunizations. 


A menstrual cycle often brings a variety of conditions called menstrual disorders. It includes: 

  • Premenstrual Syndrome: 

This starts 1-2 weeks before your periods begin. Some women experience a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms, including: 

  • Bloating. 

  • Headaches. 

  • Pain in the back. 

  • Soreness in the breast. 

  • Acne. 

  • Food cravings. 

  • Irritability. 

  • Anxiety. 

  • Constipation. 

These symptoms may change every month depending on your stress levels. 

  • Heavy Periods or Menorrhagia 

Another common menstrual disorder is menorrhagia which occurs when you bleed more than normal. It is mainly caused by a disturbance in your hormonal levels. Other causes include: 

  • Vaginal infection. 

  • Hypothyroidism. 

  • Fibroids. 

  • Change in diet or exercise. 

  • Puberty. 


  • Absent Periods 

In some rare cases, women may not even get their periods which is also called amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea refers to the condition when you do not get your periods by the age of 16. Secondary amenorrhea refers to the condition when you stop getting your regular periods for 6 months or more. 

Common causes for both include: 

  • Hyperthyroidism. 

  • Sudden weight gain or loss. 

  • Anorexia. 

  • Ovarian cysts. 

  • Pregnancy. 


  • Painful Periods 

At times, your periods can be extremely painful which is called dysmenorrhea. It may be due to: 

  • Fibroids. 

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease. 

  • Abnormal tissue growth outside your uterus. 

How Are Menstrual Disorders Treated? 

The treatment for menstrual disorder will depend on the type of problem and what’s causing it. Your gynaecologist will mainly try to resolve the problem with the help of hormonal medications. If, however, treatment with medication is not possible (in case of an underlying medical condition), surgery may be performed.

Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS refers to a hormonal imbalance that occurs when your ovaries produce excess hormones. If you have PCOS, your ovaries produce an excessive number of androgens that cause an imbalance in your menstrual cycle. 

What are the Signs of PCOS? 

The common symptoms include: 

  • Irregular periods. 

  • Abnormal hair growth. 

  • Obesity. 

  • Acne. 

  • Skin darkening. 

  • Infertility. 

  • Thinning of hair. 

What Causes PCOS? 

PCOS is mainly caused by: 

  • High levels of male hormones or androgens. 

  • Insulin resistance. 

  • Low-grade inflammation. 

How is PCOS Treated? 

The treatment for PCOS will depend on your symptoms, medical history, and other health conditions. The treatment mainly includes: 

  • Medications. 

  • Lifestyle changes. 

  • Combination of both. 


Sexual health counselling has been a taboo but it has to be understood to ensure proper health. It also ensures that you prevent the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. Moreover, it may also help you with sexual challenges including low sex drive, pain, and so forth. 

How Does it Work? 

Sexual health counselling is a type of sex therapy that involves talking about your issues. During this session, you and your gynaecologist will discuss your experiences, emotions, and concerns related to your sex life. If the doctor suspects anything unusual, a test would be conducted to mitigate the problem. 

Why Do You Need Sexual Health Counselling? 

You may need sexual health counselling if you have: 

  • Arousal disorder. 

  • Premature ejaculation. 

  • Erectile dysfunction.

  • Other unspecified sexual dysfunction. 


Puberty refers to a process during which a child’s body goes through several changes before it develops into an adult. It usually starts when your body starts producing extra hormones leading to physical and emotional changes. 

A puberty disorder is when these processes and changes do not occur as they should. 

What Causes Puberty Disorders? 

Puberty disorders may be caused by to: 

  • Heredity. 

  • Hormonal disorders. 

  • Genetic disorders. 

  • Eating disorder. 

  • Problems with the thyroid or pituitary gland. 

  • Infection. 

  • Other medical conditions or injuries. 

What Are the Symptoms of Puberty Disorders? 

The common symptoms include: 

  • Lack of breast development by the age of 13. 

  • Lack of pubic hair by the age of 14. 

  • Periods haven’t started by the age of 16. 

  • Pubic hair, breast growth, and periods occur before the age of 7 or 8. 

What are the Types of Puberty Disorders?

  • Delayed puberty:  puberty hasn’t started by age 13 

  • Precocious puberty – puberty begins too early, before age 7 or 8 in girls 

  • Contrasexual pubertal development – development of male characteristics in females 

  • Premature thelarche – breast development without any other signs of puberty 

  • Premature menarche – periods start without any other signs of puberty 

  • Premature adrenarche – the appearance of pubic hair without any other signs of puberty 

How Are Puberty Disorders Treated? 

Depending on your symptoms, and underlying medical condition, puberty disorder will be treated. The treatment will include: 

  • Observation and regular checkups – in cases where the disorder will likely resolve on its own 

  • Hormone therapy 

  • Surgery – for anatomical corrections 

  • Counselling – to help children and families deal with the emotional and social challenges of disorders of puberty