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Kidney Stones: All You Need To Know About!

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Kidney stones may or may not be familiar to you. One of the most excruciating body experiences a person may have is passing a kidney stone. Numerous factors may make a person more susceptible to kidney stones. Understanding the basics of kidney stones can help you take preventive action. 

What is a kidney stone?

Kidney eliminates waste products from the blood in the form of urine. Kidney stones form when waste products cannot pass through the urine and remain in the kidneys. When waste products are unable to pass through the urine and remain in the kidneys, they form kidney stones. 

A kidney stone is a strangely shaped solid lump or crystal that can range in size from a speck to a frisbee. A large kidney stone can get stuck in the tube that connects the kidneys with the bladder. The stone might prevent urine from leaving your body and cause bleeding if this happens. If the stone is unable to pass out on its own, then you may need a kidney stone treatment

Types of kidney stones in the human body 

There are four types of kidney stones in the body. One can easily avail of treatments for different types of kidney stones at Aayush Hospitals. 

These four types of kidney stones are classified as below: 

Calcium stones 

The most prevailing form of stone is this one. Calcium that the bones and muscles do not use is stored in the kidneys. Additional calcium is usually excreted through the urine by the kidneys. When some calcium remains in the kidneys and accumulates over time, calcium stones form. 

Struvite stones 

Women are more likely to have Struvite stones. It usually develops because of a persistent urinary tract infection. The Struvite stones are a result of ammonia. 

 Uric acid stones 

The presence of high quantities of uric acid in the urine promotes the formation of uric acid stones. If you follow a high-protein diet or have had chemotherapy, you may be at risk for this sort of stone. 

Cystine stones 

These stones are a rare occurrence. Cystine stones are caused by a genetic situation known as cystinuria. 

Symptoms and Causes of Kidney Stones 

You may be oblivious that you have had a kidney stone for years. Kidney stone symptoms usually do not appear until the stone travels around within your kidney or passes through the tubes that connect the kidneys and the bladder. It can get stuck in these tubes, inhibiting urine flow and causing the kidney to expand and the ureter to strain, both of which are uncomfortable. 

 At this point, one may experience these signs of kidney stones: 

  • Intense pain in the side and back, behind the ribcage 
  • Pain in the lower abdomen 
  • Urinating causes pain or a burning sensation. 
  • Urine that is cloudy or stinks 
  • If an infection is present, fever and chills may occur. 
  • Vomiting or nausea 

Kidney stones are triggered by substances in the urine. These substances combine to form stones that travel through the system. When they don’t escape, it’s because there isn’t enough urine, causing the molecules to crystalize and become highly concentrated. It is mainly due to insufficient water intake. 

The substances that develop stones are calcium, xanthine, oxalate, phosphate, cystine, and uric acid. Once you notice the early signs of kidney stones – consult the best urologist in Mehsana to start your treatment asap. 

Risk Factors of Kidney Stones 

  • Kidney stones are caused by several factors as below: 
  • Drinking an insufficient amount of liquids 
  • Kidney stone disease runs in the family 
  • Eating a high-protein, high-sodium, low-fiber diet 
  • If you are male 
  • Digestive diseases 
  • Being motionless or bedridden for an extended amount of time 
  • High urinary calcium levels 
  • Taking specific medications 
  • Metabolic disorders 
  • Obesity 
  • Chronic diarrhea and Inflammatory bowel disease 

When to see a Urologist? 

Kidney stones can be both aggravating and excruciatingly painful. To avoid matters getting worse, you should see the best urologist in Mehsana as soon as feasible. The pain can become unbearable, and surgery may be necessary. If you have any kidney stone symptoms, contact your doctor. Opt for the best kidney stone treatment at Aayush Hospitals, Mehsana

The sooner you receive kidney stone treatment, the less likely you are to develop complications. Also, keep in mind that kidney stones are only a temporary setback. They are not going to torment you indefinitely.